700 Archives - IGT Solutions Technology & BPM Services to the Travel Industry Tue, 16 May 2023 08:13:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 /wp-content/uploads/2019/01/cropped-arrow-32x32.png 700 Archives - IGT Solutions 32 32 Creating a 360-degree View of the Connected Traveller https://www.igtsolutions.com/whitepapers/creating-a-360-degree-view-of-the-connected-traveller/ Tue, 16 Aug 2016 12:41:40 +0000 https://igt.ph/?p=700 Today travel providers have vast amount (petabytes) of data on every step that their customers take during their travel booking cycle.

The post Creating a 360-degree View of the Connected Traveller appeared first on IGT Solutions.


Today travel providers have vast amounts of data at every step of their customer’s travel booking cycle.

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But the main challenge they face is converting this data into value for customers. The right solution can open up immense opportunities for all – the travellers, the travel providers and the solution providers. The good news is that the data about customer interaction sits with you. But the big question is – what to do with this big data that can deliver value to the end customer and the travel service provider as well. This whitepaper attempts to outline how data silos can be transformed to data value to provide a 360-degree view of the connected traveller

The post Creating a 360-degree View of the Connected Traveller appeared first on IGT Solutions.
